What is Nazarene Missions International (NMI)?

NMI is the global missions advocate in every local church. The mission of NMI is to mobilize the church in mission through praying, discipling, giving, and educating. NMI aims to engage every member of the Church of the Nazarene in the work of missions.

NMI is focused on the multicultural and multigenerational strategic objectives of being united in vision and moving forward in action, for the purpose of making an impact on the world for Jesus.

Nazarene Missions International:

  • Helps produce missionaries.
  • Assists in sending missionaries to the field.
  • Supports missionaries on the field.
  • Educates individuals and congregations as to the missionaries' work on the field.
  • Welcomes and hosts missionaries when they return for home assignment.
  • Helps equip missionaries to return to the field.
  • Prays for missionaries at home and abroad.
  • Helps provide for retirement needs.

We are all needed to further our missions work in the world! Learn more about NMI!

We also invite you to sign up for NMI Central, which is a weekly email publication focusing on the work of the Church of the Nazarene. Every week prayer needs and praise reports for the global ministries of the Church of the Nazarene and our missionaries will be listed as well as ways you can get involved. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.



Areas of Impact

Nazarene Missions International focuses on five strategic areas where the local church can have maximum impact on missions in the Church of the Nazarene.

Prayer.  NMI gathers believers together for prayer in the local church, linking us to our brothers and sisters in the Christ across the globe. Remember your missionaries throughout the year in prayer.  Many are often facing troubled times in the places in which they serve.  They seek to be peacemakers and agents of transformation.  They need your support through intercession. View all of our missionary profile pages.

World Evangelism Fund. WEF fuels the Church of the Nazarene's mission by combining gifts from each person and church to fund ministries everywhere. Every church is asked to share a portion of its total income for the purpose of making Christlike disciples in the nations.  When you give, the money comes to the General Treasurer's Office, where the funds are distributed to six world regions, missionaries, and ministries around the globe.  The World Evangelism Fund not only provides ministries on the ground with the monies they need, but the money is used to ensure that legal, federal, and support needs are met so that ministries are as safe as possible and can be sustained for years to come.

Alabaster Offering. Ministries around the world receive funds through this offering to purchase property and buildings. Alabaster is a special offering collected twice each year (generally in February and September, though churches can collect an offering as it works best for them). 100% of the offering is used to provide funds for property and buildings around the world. Many save up their change (but people can also write checks!) to donate on these special Sundays. Learn more about Alabaster and review resources to share with your church in Sunday services, via social media, and in other ways.

Engage Children and Youth. Through this area of emphasis, we work to educate our children and youth, and to foster calls to missions. NMI encourages every church to be intentional and encourage and engage every child and youth in the mission of God in your community and around the world. NMI continues to encourage churches to involve children and youth in all missions endeavors and to nurture them as they seek to respond to God's call. We encourage collaboration with Nazarene Youth International and Nazarene Discipleship International to best engage all ages of the church.  We believe nurturing and leadership development is best done in the local church and individualized to the needs of each person. 

Care & Connection. This area of emphasis strategically connects Nazarene missionaries and Nazarene churches through prayer, personal contact, and generous giving. A LINKS relationship cultivates a sense of involvement with Nazarene Missions through regular correspondence to and from missionaries, updates from their field of service, and presentations by LINKS missionaries when they are on home assignment. Your prayers, letters, gifts, and connection to our district-assigned missionaries will make a huge different in encouraging them and the people they are reaching in the mission field! We are assigned district LINKS missionaries for a year. 

The 2025 LINKS missionaries for WAPAC will be announced this week!



Missionaries at WAPAC Churches (Deputation)

Upcoming Missionary Deputation Services

  • April 16 - May 1, 2025: Lydia Campbell-White, serving as a sponsored missionary in Mongolia
  • May 18 and June 15, 2025: Joshua and Kendall Stewardson, serving as sponsored missionaries in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea
  • June 15-22, 2025: Evans Katanga, serving as a global missionary in Nigeria (and 2024 LINKS missionary)
  • July 20-30, 2025: Collin & Shireen Elliott, serving as global missionaries on the Africa regional (final home assignment; retiring after home assignment completed
  • August 3-10, 2025: Musa & Prudence Kunene, global missionaries in Kenya serving at Africa Nazarene University
  • October 5-12, 2025: Tim & Michelle Eby, global missionaries serving in South Africa as the Africa Region Jesus Film Coordinator
  • March 15-25, 2026: Monte and Bethany Cyr, global missionaries in Guatemala and the Discipleship Ministries Regional Coordinator on the Mesoamerica Region (final home assignment; retiring after serving for 26 years in Africa, the Caribbean and the Mesoamerica Region).
  • Mid-June 2026 (TBD): Larry & Lynne Bollinger, global missionaries serving in Philippines at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary

You can view the list of dates that are still available to churches to host these missionaries (a PDF will automatically be downloaded!). If you would like to schedule the missionaries to speak in your church on one of the OPEN dates, please contact Pastor Fred Humber.

Deputation Funds

Deputation funds should not be given directly to the missionaries. Rather, they should be provided to Attn. Donor Services, Church of the Nazarene, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220. Funds should be clearly marked with the missionary’s full first and last names and “deputation account. You also can submit online at https://www.nazarene.org/funding-the-mission.

Idea for Hosting Deputation at Your Church
Enumclaw Nazarene  Church (ENC) is a small, but mighty congregation when it comes to missions.  Often missionary availability on Sundays is limited and usually best suited to larger churches, so ENC has found a great approach to support missions. With a predominantly senior populations, missions lunch-and-learns are a great way to ensure congregational support. ENC's local NMI council puts on a simple lunch of soup, bread and dessert over the noon hour. Not only are these lunches ideal for seniors, but those who work often can also join the lunch-time meetings. Missionaries eat with congregants and then give their presentation. Through this simple approach, ENC has been able to raise generous deputation funds for missionaries. In the summer, the approach can be changed to have an early evening barbecue and other small churches invited to attend.




Through District NMI funds, we are pleased to offer three grants to support people and projects on WAPAC in alignment with our five focus areas. 

  1. Together Across Generations (TAG) Grant: This is a grant for young adults (ages 18-28) to join a work and witness trip. Applicants must have been members of a WAPAC church for at least 1 year prior to applying. >>View the application
  2. Groups Going Glocally (G3) Missions Grant: This grant helps provide encouragement and financial support for a youth ministry group to directly participate in local, national, or global missions and compassionate projects. Maximum grant amount is not to exceed 25% of the overall mission project experience or at the discretion of the WAPAC NMI Council. Monies can be used for transportation, supplies, food: anything that would lower the overall cost of the mission experience encouraging more youth to participate. >>View the application
  3. Intentional Connecting Grant: This is a grant to help local WAPAC Nazarene Churches reach into their neighborhoods and communities. The funds are meant to start, equip, expand, or enhance local ministries as they engage their neighborhoods and communities in Western Washington. >>View the application



Nazarene Missions Teams Trips

Philippines 2026 | WAPAC Nazarene Missions Team Trip

UPDATE 10/18/2024: We have had an incredible response for our 2026 Nazarene Missions Team trip to the Philippines and all spots are currently filled. However, we are taking names for our standby list. If you wish to have your name added to the standby list, please contact Pastor Donabel Martin.


Dates:      February 5-13, 2026

Location: Philippine Nazarene College Campus in La Trinidad, Benguet

Cost:        $2400 USD (includes transportation, lodging, meals, insurance, excursion, and t-shirt)

Registration is Now Open!


Our Nazarene Missions Team project is renovating the Hospitality Center at Philippine Nazarene College. The cost of this project is $15K - $20K. We invite the entire Washington-Pacific District Church of the Nazarene to engage with this project! Participation is not a one-size-fits-all approach!

  • For some, it includes going on the trip and working alongside others on the ground.
  • For others, it is laying a foundation of prayer for the team going and the work to be done, as well as continuing to build that prayer support leading up to and through the project work.
  • Still others will engage with this project through giving.

We encourage you to invite your church to participate in this project in one or more ways. To do this, please highlight the Nazarene Missions Team trip in your services and on your social media channels. We also invite you to take an offering to help fund this project.


If you have questions or need information, please reach out to Pastor Donabel at pastordonabel@lifepointnaz.church or (415) 637-9789.



Children's Mission Project

We Did It!

Our two-year goal was to raise $15,000 to meet three big needs in four communities in Malawi (Africa) that will serve 100 families. Our WAPAC kids (and those of you who support them!) are amazing! We have surpassed our goal of $15,000 for our Hope for Malawi Children’s Project and raised an astounding $18,0132.32!

Be sure to share this accomplishment with your children’s leaders so that they can share the good news and celebrate with our kids!

Now, the work for Malawi takes on a different focus for us on WAPAC—one of prayer. Please join us in praying that nothing prevents our gifts from reaching the people of Malawi, and that our offering makes a significant impact in the lives of these people in such a way that they are drawn to and glorify God. May they find true hope in him!

Still have project money that should be given for Malawi? Send funds to:
WaPac District Office (2646 RW Johnson Blvd. SW, #108, Tumwater, WA 98512)