A collection of videos and other resources to help support and enrich the WAPAC District from WAPAC Pastors.

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Focus on the Mission, not the Model

Leadership, The Church, Mission

Hello Friends! How are you doing? I've noticed lots of people looking backwards these days. Now please don't hear me wrong, remembering and learning from our past is a good and helpful thing. Our challenge is not idolizing our past so much that it prevents us from moving forward into what God might have next for us. Hear these words from Isaiah 43 and commit to being #futureoriented. Have a beautiful and blessed day! I love ya.

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Conversations with David Rodes: Spiritual Prayer

Spiritual Gifts, Prayer

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here, in the final video in this four-part video series, they talk about the practice of praying in the Spirit

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No Plans to ‘Re-Open’ the Church (it never shut down)

Encouragement, The Church

Hello Friends! Hey, what do you know...the church is now #essential. What does that really mean? I've been asked about plans for re-opening the church, and I try not to be snarky in my response that "I have no plan to re-open the church." Now don't go gettin' all upset! I don't have a plan to re-open the church because the church actually never shut down. You all have stepped up into the calling of Jesus to BE the church. Yes, we have been praying about and designing a carefully thought out plan for returning to our facility. However, we will not compromise our witness or the name of Jesus by insisting we capitalize on our 'right to assemble.' Just because you can do something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. We will honor the states phased plan, and we will be ready to welcome people back into the facility in due time! In the meantime...please feel free to be kind, generous, loving and encouraging to those around you!

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Conversations with David Rodes: Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about spiritual gifts and the Holy Spirit. Here is the first part in this four-part video series

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Conversations with David Rodes: Being Continually Filled

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here, in the third in this four-part video series, they talk about escaping the temptation to compartmentalize our lives and the challenging gift that is conviction

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Soul Care

Soul Care/Emotional Health

How are you caring for yourself during times of literal and spiritual quarantine? Are you remembering soul care?

Video from Pastor Jon Wren - Life Community Church, Snoqualmie

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Honeycomb Words

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Encouragement

Hello Friends! Proverbs 16:24 says gracious words are like honeycomb and are sweet to the soul. Kind words have healing power. Conversely, negative, hate-filled, poisonous words bring death... I think we see plenty of this these days. Let me challenge you to speak #honeycombwords! Are you up for the challenge. You have the power to heal with your words, not just others, but speaking words of grace will do you some good too.

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On Having Conversations

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Leadership, Mission

Hello friends, how are you doing? My encouragement for you today is to observe and listen to others closely, so closely that you'll be able to engage in real conversation rather than distancing yourself and condemning (or appearing to condemn) those who think and live differently than you do. Paul gives us a nice picture of what this looks like in Acts 17 when he talks with the people of Athens about their idolatry. He opens a door rather than slamming one shut. I have faith you and I can follow his lead and be people who open dialog instead of shutting it off. #starttheconversation

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If you are loveless, you will be sightless

Prayer, Race, Mission

Hello friends. In this little window to make a post, Facebook asks, "What's on your mind?" Well, that's a loaded question, and I imagine you could answer in lots of ways right now. This week the murder of George Floyd has been heavy on my mind. As I have been grieving and lamenting this tragedy and the repeated nature of these things in our country, it occurred to me that when we are loveless, we are sightless, in ways that blur our vision of people as image-bearers of God. While I was contemplating all of this, the Lord called out some of my own blindness, ouch. But at the same time, he also gently reminded me that he came to give sight to the blind. I know this video is a bit longer than my usual devotional thoughts, but if you have 10 minutes, I hope you'll take a listen, perhaps it will help you. I love ya, and I'm praying for you.

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Move Six Feet Closer

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Leadership

Hello Friends, how are you doing? I recognize a lot has probably been percolating deep inside you, and with the continuing extension of the stay home orders, your negative emotions may be ready to explode. What I've noticed is that instead of staying six feet apart, many have kept adding six feet. Now instead of being fairly close people are miles apart in so many ways. Paul says to live in harmony and peace with one another, so maybe instead of moving six feet apart, it's time to for us to move #sixfeetcloser. Stay healthy and safe my friends, I love ya.

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Dealing with Stress & Anxiety

Soul Care/Emotional Health

What can you control and what is out of your control? Knowing this is key to grounding ourselves in the chaos and stress of today.

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Vocabulary of Lament

Spiritual Gifts, Prayer, Soul Care/Emotional Health, Encouragement

Hello friends! How are you doing? I've been asked quite a bit recently, how long do you think all this will go on? What should we do? I find it a helpful reminder that the Bible is mostly silent about how the people of God acted while in exile and slavery. We don't read much about protests and uprisings. What we do read is the vocabulary of lament. Here's a couple thoughts on Psalm 13, where the people lay five 'how long?' questions at God's listening post.

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Don’t Fall for the Fool’s Choice

Race, Encouragement, Leadership

Hello friends! I'm hurting for our world right now as we collectively lament the hurt and division that is separating so many people. I want to challenge you not to be baited into thinking this is an either/or situation. When something is reduced to only two positions it's called a 'fool's choice.' You don't have to choose between saying Black Lives Matter and supporting those who serve in law enforcement. You can actually do both. Choosing one or the other only breeds more division and anger, and is not likely to bring parties together for effective dialog. Be an agent of reconciliation. Be someone who does the hard work of sitting with the pain and suffering of our black brothers and sisters. Be one who stands with those who have taken an oath to serve and protect you. Be someone who is willing to wrestle with the hard stuff in life and look for solutions. I'd invite you to take a listen...

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Conversations with David Rodes: Prophetic Words

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here is the second part in this four-part video series, addressing the sometimes misunderstood but potentially impactful gift of prophecy

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Systemic Change Begins with You

Race, Leadership

Hello friends! How are you doing? If you read or listen to any kind of media these days, you'll likely hear the call for 'systemic change.' And most thoughtful people would agree there is much work to be done in our society. But how do you change the system? Well, I think it starts at a very personal level. It starts with you and I committing to personal responsibility and accountability. It begins when each of us treat the people around us with the dignity, respect and love they deserve. The other thing you're likely to notice is how people are directing their anger, not always at the issue at hand, but at each other for how each of us chooses to respond. Whether you're the silent or vocal type...let's not take offense where offense shouldn't be taken. Let's work together for justice, for love and for peace. Hopefully this video articulates my thoughts in a helpful way for you.

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New Perspectives

Soul Care/Emotional Health

Hello friends! How are you doing? Sometimes when we look at the landscapes of life and our particular situations from the same perspective for so long we tend to overlook the positives and dwell on the negative. John Muir challenges us to attempt seeing things from a new perspective, even if it requires us to turn our heads upside down. Maybe some of us need to do that these days... look to the Lord, and ask him to show you the positive!

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