A collection of videos and other resources to help support and enrich the WAPAC District from WAPAC Pastors.

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Spiritual Gifts

Conversations with David Rodes: Being Continually Filled

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here, in the third in this four-part video series, they talk about escaping the temptation to compartmentalize our lives and the challenging gift that is conviction

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Conversations with David Rodes: Prophetic Words

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here is the second part in this four-part video series, addressing the sometimes misunderstood but potentially impactful gift of prophecy

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Conversations with David Rodes: Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about spiritual gifts and the Holy Spirit. Here is the first part in this four-part video series

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Vocabulary of Lament

Spiritual Gifts, Prayer, Soul Care/Emotional Health, Encouragement

Hello friends! How are you doing? I've been asked quite a bit recently, how long do you think all this will go on? What should we do? I find it a helpful reminder that the Bible is mostly silent about how the people of God acted while in exile and slavery. We don't read much about protests and uprisings. What we do read is the vocabulary of lament. Here's a couple thoughts on Psalm 13, where the people lay five 'how long?' questions at God's listening post.

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Conversations with David Rodes: Spiritual Prayer

Spiritual Gifts, Prayer

Jeff sat down with Puyallup pastor David Rodes to talk about the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Here, in the final video in this four-part video series, they talk about the practice of praying in the Spirit

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