A collection of videos and other resources to help support and enrich the WAPAC District from WAPAC Pastors.

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Soul Care/Emotional Health

Move Six Feet Closer

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Leadership

Hello Friends, how are you doing? I recognize a lot has probably been percolating deep inside you, and with the continuing extension of the stay home orders, your negative emotions may be ready to explode. What I've noticed is that instead of staying six feet apart, many have kept adding six feet. Now instead of being fairly close people are miles apart in so many ways. Paul says to live in harmony and peace with one another, so maybe instead of moving six feet apart, it's time to for us to move #sixfeetcloser. Stay healthy and safe my friends, I love ya.

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New Perspectives

Soul Care/Emotional Health

Hello friends! How are you doing? Sometimes when we look at the landscapes of life and our particular situations from the same perspective for so long we tend to overlook the positives and dwell on the negative. John Muir challenges us to attempt seeing things from a new perspective, even if it requires us to turn our heads upside down. Maybe some of us need to do that these days... look to the Lord, and ask him to show you the positive!

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Honeycomb Words

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Encouragement

Hello Friends! Proverbs 16:24 says gracious words are like honeycomb and are sweet to the soul. Kind words have healing power. Conversely, negative, hate-filled, poisonous words bring death... I think we see plenty of this these days. Let me challenge you to speak #honeycombwords! Are you up for the challenge. You have the power to heal with your words, not just others, but speaking words of grace will do you some good too.

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Vocabulary of Lament

Spiritual Gifts, Prayer, Soul Care/Emotional Health, Encouragement

Hello friends! How are you doing? I've been asked quite a bit recently, how long do you think all this will go on? What should we do? I find it a helpful reminder that the Bible is mostly silent about how the people of God acted while in exile and slavery. We don't read much about protests and uprisings. What we do read is the vocabulary of lament. Here's a couple thoughts on Psalm 13, where the people lay five 'how long?' questions at God's listening post.

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On Having Conversations

Soul Care/Emotional Health, Leadership, Mission

Hello friends, how are you doing? My encouragement for you today is to observe and listen to others closely, so closely that you'll be able to engage in real conversation rather than distancing yourself and condemning (or appearing to condemn) those who think and live differently than you do. Paul gives us a nice picture of what this looks like in Acts 17 when he talks with the people of Athens about their idolatry. He opens a door rather than slamming one shut. I have faith you and I can follow his lead and be people who open dialog instead of shutting it off. #starttheconversation

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Dealing with Stress & Anxiety

Soul Care/Emotional Health

What can you control and what is out of your control? Knowing this is key to grounding ourselves in the chaos and stress of today.

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Soul Care

Soul Care/Emotional Health

How are you caring for yourself during times of literal and spiritual quarantine? Are you remembering soul care?

Video from Pastor Jon Wren - Life Community Church, Snoqualmie

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