A collection of videos and other resources to help support and enrich the WAPAC District from WAPAC Pastors.
Know of a good resource from a WAPAC Pastor that should be included? Submit a resouce to be considered.
Hello Friends! Hey, what do you know...the church is now #essential. What does that really mean? I've been asked about plans for re-opening the church, and I try not to be snarky in my response that "I have no plan to re-open the church." Now don't go gettin' all upset! I don't have a plan to re-open the church because the church actually never shut down. You all have stepped up into the calling of Jesus to BE the church. Yes, we have been praying about and designing a carefully thought out plan for returning to our facility. However, we will not compromise our witness or the name of Jesus by insisting we capitalize on our 'right to assemble.' Just because you can do something, doesn't mean it's a good idea. We will honor the states phased plan, and we will be ready to welcome people back into the facility in due time! In the meantime...please feel free to be kind, generous, loving and encouraging to those around you!
Hello Friends! How are you doing? I've noticed lots of people looking backwards these days. Now please don't hear me wrong, remembering and learning from our past is a good and helpful thing. Our challenge is not idolizing our past so much that it prevents us from moving forward into what God might have next for us. Hear these words from Isaiah 43 and commit to being #futureoriented. Have a beautiful and blessed day! I love ya.